Read Testimonials from Doctors, Nurses, and other Professionals:
Craniosacral Therapist, Neurosurgeon, Oncologists,
Ophthalmologists, Occupational Therapists, Orthotist, Osteopathic Medicine, Chiropractors, Family Physicians, Health Care Directors, Mental Health Practitioner, Naturopaths, Nurses, Teachers, and Cognitive Trainer.
Entire New Section from 2002 HTE Canada Publication:
Allergies & Breathing , Blood Pressure , Cancer , Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Diabetes, Energy & Oxygen, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Dystrophy, Neuropathy, Shingles, Spine & Back Pain, Stress & Relaxation, Stroke, Systemic Lupus, Business Testimonials, Others
From Previous HTE Publications
- Rev. Nancy White: chronic fatigue, back, etc.
- Larry Wolff: head trauma, paralyzation
- John M. Buckler, D.C.: lymphatic drainage
- John A. Hinwood, D.C.: restored range of motion
- David M., D.C.: tennis elbow, range of motion, chronic pain
- Haydn Daly: tired and stiff muscles
- John Gore: neuropathy, weight loss
- Kaiman & Cathy Lee: food allergy, lower back pain, neck/shoulder stiffness, tennis elbow, herniated disc
- Dr. Adam Schwartz: a chiropractor's evaluation
- Chen-Fen Chen: food fiber reaction, anemia
- Muyun Chen: fat of abdomen and buttock
- Dalphne Chien: spinal pain, cold hands and feet
- Hui-Zhong Fang: pollen allergy, foot cramp
- Helen N. Li: high blood pressure, arthritis pain
- Lerttie Mace: Als - (Lou Derig's disease)
- Stephen Mui: 20 years of overall sickness
- Elfrieda Y. Queen: constipation, abnormal vertebra, over weight
- Samuel Singletary: over weight, high cholesterol, back pain
- Li Min Wan: ear noise, fainting/dizziness
- Helen D. Warring: compressed discs
- Audrey Wong: spinal posture, aches and pains
More HTE Newsletter Testimonials
I have always been a fan of The Chi Machine as well as a distributor for the Hsin Ten Enterprise USA, Inc. I used to feel pain around my spinal cord. Sometimes I could not even stand up straight. My mother used to wake up during the night because her circulatory system was not functioning well. Her hands and feet were freezing cold. All these situations have improved after we started using The Chi Machine.I started to introduce the exerciser to people who had physical needs. A friend of mine once told me that she had bought the same kind of exerciser from Taiwan. She said that the price was much cheaper and it had the same functions. She called me two weeks later asking whether using the exerciser could cause her body stiffness. She also asked me what speed best suited for people just starting to use the exerciser. I later learned that hers was a copycat product. That made me furious. I could not believe that there were people who would cheat their customers for their own profit – not caring about the health and welfare of their customers. My friends gave up on the copycat exerciser because, sadly, her backaches had not been relieved. When she went back to find the seller, however, the company and the dealer had disappeared and she could no longer find them.I hope this case will serve as a warning to our friends that they should be aware of the fact that although knock-off products are cheaper, the damages such products can cause are not worth the money that you may have saved. Health is more important than money. Health is wealth.
Daphne Chien
My testimony is for how the HotHouse and the Chi Machine helped my husband, Jerry Aamot. Jerry bumped his leg on a steel post while doing some work. He developed a hematoma. A large bump started to appear on his left leg. It got as large as a baseball, very hard and hot to touch. He could hardly get his pants on. He was so stiff. He went to our doctor, who had no remedy, other than keeping an eye on it for a few days. Then we will probably have to do surgery. He went home immediately and started using the HotHouse for an hour at a time for a week. He did this several times a day. He also used the Chi Machine in between HotHouse times. After one week of this treatment his hematoma was completely gone and no surgery!
Barbara Aamot
Judy hosted a Home Party on 10/8/02 and it was a success. She sold 3 machines on the spot and lent 4 out to those guests that were extremely interested. She plans on personally buying another Chi Machine so that she may lend another one out to those people who want to try it before they purchase one. She says the HP has excited and rejuvenated her to think of new ways to present the product and new prospects to target. She has found it very helpful to have her upline, Carolyn and Ed Murphy, to help her present the product to her prospects. She will now be helping one of her downlines, Eve Stevens, to host a party of her own.She said that the materials within the Home Party Host Kit and SUP were very useful in presenting the product to her guests. She liked the fact that she was able to handout additional information to her guests when they asked for it. She thought that it looked very professional.She found that the invitations she sent out for her HP weren’t very beneficial. Most people thought of it as an advertisement. She proved better success when she personally invited people by talking to them one-on-one about the party. She held the party in the same manner - many small personal groups presented throughout a three-day time span. By doing it this way she found that each of the prospects were able to address their individual concerns on a more personal basis. She plans on hosting another party. She plans on bringing her Chi Machine to her yoga class and presenting the product to the class and whoever is interested can sign up to go to her HP to find out more about the product and the company.Judy A Wolke
I am thrilled to introduce and utilize The Chi Machine to my clientele prior to my hands-on massage work in the attempt to enhance the benefits of the massage. I am excited about the year 2003 and the promotional ideas I have to educate my clientele of the benefits The Chi Machine has to offer them in bringing harmony and balance to their life.Debra Morgan, LMT
Austin, MNMy name is Debra Morgan from Austin, MN and I am happy and proud to be a distributor of The Chi Machine for HTE USA, a fine organization.I am a Professional Massage Therapist; therefore, I am familiar with the term ‘Chi’, our life force energy. A girlfriend
of mine that I hadn’t seen for years came to my office one day promoting The Chi Machine. I was skeptical at first, but was willing to demo it for a week. I was absolutely amazed with the INSTANT results I felt.My energy level skyrocketed. My circulation increased, whereas, my hands and feet were warm. My hands and feet are characteristically cold most of the time. Also, I have scoliosis and have definitely noticed an improvement in spinal balance.When I am through with a Chi session and rotate my hips from side to side my spine will adjust so nicely and naturally. It’s a wonderful feeling compared to the numerous chiropractic spinal manipulations I have had to endure over the years.I did not even take advantage of the full week to demo The Chi Machine. I was sold and purchased one to incorporate into my massage therapy business.
Dear HTE Americas™,
This machine is unbelievable. Toward the middle of July 2002 I started experiencing a headacheand stiff neck. My headaches were so severe; Ifelt as if my head would explode.After consulting physicians, chiropractors,acupuncturists, and even having a series ofmassages, I decided to try the Chi Machine sincenone of the above worked. After one treatment,my headaches were gone and so was my stiffneck. I have been telling everybody who will listenabout this machine and the benefits.
Veronica Ernst
Dear HTE Americas™,
It has helped me; it has also made my back better. The stiffness is gone from my neck and my back. When I am tired from standing on my feet, I use the machine for 15 minutes and the pain is gone in my knees and legs. It is certainly worth the money. I’m 88 years oldand the Chi Machine has worked miracles.
Francine Baker
Dear HTE Americas™,
I would like to say thanks to Dr. Lipton for recommending the HotHouse Far Infrared Device. I was in terrible pain – gone to every doctor, MRI, theworks. I have bone spurs and two bulging discs in my back. I was bedridden,taking pain pills, and having terrible back spasms. I made an appointment with a pain specialist when I remembered Dr. Lipton’s Fir Machine; I had one air freighted to my home! What a miracle! In seven days, no medicine was needed. My wife even startedusing the HotHouse for sciatica with great relief.
Neil C. Hendrikson